For those of you who have followed us through the years, you most likely are aware that we have not been kind in reference to seed blends.
This stance is generally taken against those who willingly blend non-compatible seed types.
That is not to say that seed blends are a bad idea. Quite the contrary. There are in fact many combinations that work very well together. Only that we often see or hear of blends containing seed types that simply cannot be expected to perform when planted in the same manner.
Oats, for example, require a different planting depth than chicory and clover. Oats do best when planted 1-2 inches deep. Chicory and Clover? Both require a maximum ¼ inch planting depth in order to germinate. Yet these seed types can be readily found mixed together in many different packages.

Obviously, you cannot plant Chicory and Clover 2 inches deep and hope to get anything out of the seed. Plant oats ¼ inch, and maybe you will experience good fortune with the weather and get some to sprout. Maybe it will work out several years in a row, until that one year where you get a zero from your oat crop and have wasted your time and money. Doing so, however, will leave the roots of your oat plants exposed, and will have a negative impact on growth, ability to thrive under grazing pressure, and cold tolerance. A plot won’t do much good if it is dead before the season arrives.
Instead, we should always take precaution when planting different seed types, to be sure that everything has its best chance for success. We do this with combination planting.
For fall planting food plots, combination plant by disking or drilling your large seed types such as winter oats first, then broadcast spread and roll your smaller seeded plants, such as chicory and clover, over the top.
A simple technique that will save both money and heartache in the long run.