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There are two major stress periods for deer– late summer and late winter. During the winter, bucks lose a tremendous amount of their body fat.

According to Dr. James Kroll, AKA Dr. Deer, during the winter months, bucks lose almost everything they have. Once their body fat is lost, they begin to lose the fat in the marrow of their bones.

This puts them at dire risk of not making it to the next season. You could lose up to 50% of your bucks during this time!

No hunter wants that, so we got the experts together to discuss all things regarding Frost Seeding. Frost Seeding is an easy way to have a complete food plot management program to support your herd during both stress periods.

There is no special technique or equipment required for frost seeding. It’s actually quite simple. When snow is on the ground (or in the near forecast), broadcast your seed onto the snow, and the cycle of freezing and thawing will do the rest! As the sun comes out and thaws the ice, small cracks will appear in the soil, allowing the seed to incorporate and create good contact with the soil. The freezing and thawing action will produce a uniform seedbed, even in the presence of existing vegetation. This is done best with soil that holds moisture but is not as effective in sandy or dry soil areas.

Yes. It’s that simple! Frost Seeding can be easily accomplished with nothing more than a handheld broadcast spreader. It is best done in the morning or in the evening when the ground is still frozen.

What month should you frost seed? The best time to frost seed is when daytime temperatures are warm enough that your ground thaws, and nighttime temps are cold enough that your ground re-freezes. In general, this will be late winter or early spring.

Frost Seeding gives your deer quick access to essential digestible energy as they are coming out of the winter stress period, and have lost a significant amount of their body fat. In the case of mature bucks more so than doe, you may experience as much as a 50% loss in your herd due to this loss.

As an added bonus, Frost Seeding is economical! On average, you can reduce your cost for a new food plot by 70-75%!

You can guard against the loss of up to 50% of your mature bucks with frost seeding and save money!

This process is easy and effective. Your herd will be healthier, allowing for maximum potential antler growth. Be sure to put Frost Seeding in your food plot management plans!